


# java test 一个java测试项目 发布于:2024-06-02 12:43 ThreadLocal用法 发布于:2024-05-30 17:01 枚举 实例 发布于:2024-05-29 09:48 Hello World 发布于:2024-05-29 08:59 胜多负少地方 发布于:2024-05-24 09:27 DES加密 发布于:2024-05-23 12:03 测试代码! 发布于:2024-05-21 16:57 java字符匹配代码 发布于:2024-05-21 13:17 加密撒阿斯顿 发布于:2024-05-21 06:26 rsa 加密的Java代码 发布于:2024-05-19 13:48 黎明杀机技能随机 发布于:2024-05-19 09:13 随机数获取 发布于:2024-05-18 21:35 随机数获取 发布于:2024-05-18 21:17 测试加密算法 发布于:2024-05-18 19:17 内部类代码等 发布于:2024-05-17 11:10 父类引用调用子类 发布于:2024-05-16 08:33 Java第一个语言 发布于:2024-05-15 18:45 HG6201T 超级密码破解. 发布于:2024-05-12 15:50 围圈站人,每数到3的被淘汰,最后剩下的人是第几个 发布于:2024-05-12 10:13 定泥浆泵压力的最小值和最大值 发布于:2024-05-09 16:53 AES 解密: 授权时间 发布于:2024-05-08 20:39 离散数学1 选做1 发布于:2024-05-08 11:15 java bigInteger encodes 发布于:2024-05-07 21:25 五子棋游戏 发布于:2024-05-04 23:37 贪心算法求解 发布于:2024-05-01 15:03 王兵大Sb 发布于:2024-04-29 20:59 Java算法测试 发布于:2024-04-27 19:35 第一个测试类 发布于:2024-04-27 17:09 自己写java的string类 发布于:2024-04-27 14:35 Hello java 发布于:2024-04-24 01:42 每个查询任务应该都有自己唯一的任务id,遇到这种情况一般是通过异常处理,当遇到用户点击取消查询的时候,通过java强制取消任务管理器的任务,在任务中断以后,检查是否关闭需要关闭的资源,列如数据库链接等问题 发布于:2024-04-22 23:59 hello world 发布于:2024-04-22 10:39 java-BigDecimal运算保留两位小数更准确,符合四舍五入 发布于:2024-04-19 21:39 dfsd ds东方闪电的发生发多少发多少多少发生的大多数f第三方多少 发布于:2024-04-18 14:12 我的第一个测试程序 发布于:2024-04-17 21:29 1-2020中含有2的数字 发布于:2024-04-12 21:26 转换大小写 发布于:2024-04-12 20:53 阶乘相加求和,保留后9位 发布于:2024-04-12 15:10 计数器计数 发布于:2024-04-11 21:41 类变量赋值方法 发布于:2024-04-11 21:27 希尔排序算法 发布于:2024-04-11 09:10 二分法查找 发布于:2024-04-11 08:57 冒泡排序算法 发布于:2024-04-10 11:14 代码片段-正则表达式提取特定文本 发布于:2024-04-02 17:58 Java代码 发布于:2024-03-30 17:02 三角形判定 发布于:2024-03-29 10:34 1hello world 发布于:2024-03-27 00:30 jia fa ji suan 发布于:2024-03-21 16:11 sudoku solver (not completed) 发布于:2024-03-16 23:48 java第一次作业 发布于:2024-03-15 00:22 [更多]

Java 8 Optional In Depth

学习嵌入式的绝佳套件,esp8266开源小电视成品,比自己去买开发板+屏幕还要便宜,省去了焊接不当搞坏的风险。 蜂鸣版+触控升级仅36元,更强的硬件、价格全网最低。

点击购买 固件广场

Java 8 has introduced a new class Optional in java.util package. It is used to represent a value is present or absent. The main advantage of this new construct is that No more too many null checks and NullPointerException. It avoids any runtime NullPointerExceptions and supports us in developing clean and neat Java APIs or Applications. Like Collections and arrays, it is also a Container to hold at most one value. Let us explore this new construct with some useful examples.

Advantages of Java 8 Optional:

  1. Null checks are not required.
  2. No more NullPointerException at run-time.
  3. We can develop clean and neat APIs.
  4. No more Boiler plate code

1. Optional Basic example

Optional.ofNullable() method returns a Non-empty Optional if a value present in the given object. Otherwise returns empty Optional.

Optionaal.empty() method is useful to create an empty Optional object.

package com.mkyong;

import java.util.Optional;

public class OptionalBasicExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Optional<String> gender = Optional.of("MALE");
        String answer1 = "Yes";
        String answer2 = null;

        System.out.println("Non-Empty Optional:" + gender);
        System.out.println("Non-Empty Optional: Gender value : " + gender.get());
        System.out.println("Empty Optional: " + Optional.empty());

        System.out.println("ofNullable on Non-Empty Optional: " + Optional.ofNullable(answer1));
        System.out.println("ofNullable on Empty Optional: " + Optional.ofNullable(answer2));

        // java.lang.NullPointerException
        System.out.println("ofNullable on Non-Empty Optional: " + Optional.of(answer2));




Non-Empty Optional:Optional[MALE]
Non-Empty Optional: Gender value : MALE
Empty Optional: Optional.empty

ofNullable on Non-Empty Optional: Optional[Yes]
ofNullable on Empty Optional: Optional.empty

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(
    at java.util.Optional.<init>(
    at java.util.Optional.of(

2. and flatMap

package com.mkyong;

import java.util.Optional;

public class OptionalMapFlapMapExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Optional<String> nonEmptyGender = Optional.of("male");
        Optional<String> emptyGender = Optional.empty();

        System.out.println("Non-Empty Optional:: " +;
        System.out.println("Empty Optional    :: " +;

        Optional<Optional<String>> nonEmptyOtionalGender = Optional.of(Optional.of("male"));
        System.out.println("Optional value   :: " + nonEmptyOtionalGender);
        System.out.println("     :: " + ->;
        System.out.println("Optional.flatMap :: " + nonEmptyOtionalGender.flatMap(gender ->;




Non-Empty Optional:: Optional[MALE]
Empty Optional    :: Optional.empty
Optional value   :: Optional[Optional[male]]     :: Optional[Optional[MALE]]
Optional.flatMap :: Optional[MALE]

3. Optional.filter

package com.mkyong;

import java.util.Optional;

public class OptionalFilterExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Optional<String> gender = Optional.of("MALE");
        Optional<String> emptyGender = Optional.empty();

        //Filter on Optional
        System.out.println(gender.filter(g -> g.equals("male"))); //Optional.empty
        System.out.println(gender.filter(g -> g.equalsIgnoreCase("MALE"))); //Optional[MALE]
        System.out.println(emptyGender.filter(g -> g.equalsIgnoreCase("MALE"))); //Optional.empty





4. Optional isPresent and ifPresent

Optional.isPresent() returns true if the given Optional object is non-empty. Otherwise it returns false.

Optional.ifPresent() performs given action if the given Optional object is non-empty. Otherwise it returns false.

package com.mkyong;

import java.util.Optional;

public class OptionalIfPresentExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Optional<String> gender = Optional.of("MALE");
        Optional<String> emptyGender = Optional.empty();

        if (gender.isPresent()) {
            System.out.println("Value available.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Value not available.");

        gender.ifPresent(g -> System.out.println("In gender Option, value available."));

        //condition failed, no output print
        emptyGender.ifPresent(g -> System.out.println("In emptyGender Option, value available."));




Value available.
In gender Option, value available.

5. Optional orElse methods

It returns the value if present in Optional Container. Otherwise returns given default value.

package com.mkyong;

import java.util.Optional;

public class OptionalOrElseExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Optional<String> gender = Optional.of("MALE");
        Optional<String> emptyGender = Optional.empty();

        System.out.println(gender.orElse("<N/A>")); //MALE
        System.out.println(emptyGender.orElse("<N/A>")); //<N/A>

        System.out.println(gender.orElseGet(() -> "<N/A>")); //MALE
        System.out.println(emptyGender.orElseGet(() -> "<N/A>")); //<N/A>





6. Without Java 8 Optional

As everyone is familiar with Online Shopping. Let us assume that we want to implement a Mobile Product Module for a famous e-Commerce website.

Let us implement Mobile Domain module Without Java 8 Optional.

package com.mkyong.without.optional;

public class ScreenResolution {

    private int width;
    private int height;

    public ScreenResolution(int width, int height){
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;

    public int getWidth() {
        return width;

    public int getHeight() {
        return height;


package com.mkyong.without.optional;

public class DisplayFeatures {

    private String size; // In inches
    private ScreenResolution resolution;

    public DisplayFeatures(String size, ScreenResolution resolution){
        this.size = size;
        this.resolution = resolution;

    public String getSize() {
        return size;
    public ScreenResolution getResolution() {
        return resolution;


package com.mkyong.without.optional;

public class Mobile {

    private long id;
    private String brand;
    private String name;
    private DisplayFeatures displayFeatures;
    // Likewise we can see Memory Features, Camera Features etc.

    public Mobile(long id, String brand, String name, 
                            DisplayFeatures displayFeatures){ = id;
        this.brand = brand; = name;
        this.displayFeatures = displayFeatures;

    public long getId() {
        return id;

    public String getBrand() {
        return brand;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public DisplayFeatures getDisplayFeatures() {
        return displayFeatures;


Here if we observe getMobileScreenWidth() method, it has lot of boiler plate code with lots null checks. Before Java 8, we should do all these non-sense stuff to avoid Runtime NullPointerExceptions.

package com.mkyong.without.optional;

public class MobileService {

    public int getMobileScreenWidth(Mobile mobile){

        if(mobile != null){
            DisplayFeatures dfeatures = mobile.getDisplayFeatures();
            if(dfeatures != null){
                ScreenResolution resolution = dfeatures.getResolution();
                if(resolution != null){
                    return resolution.getWidth();
        return 0;



Develop one test application to test these Domain objects.

package com.mkyong.without.optional;

public class MobileTesterWithoutOptional {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ScreenResolution resolution = new ScreenResolution(750,1334);
        DisplayFeatures dfeatures = new DisplayFeatures("4.7", resolution);
        Mobile mobile = new Mobile(2015001, "Apple", "iPhone 6s", dfeatures);

        MobileService mService = new MobileService();

        int mobileWidth = mService.getMobileScreenWidth(mobile);
        System.out.println("Apple iPhone 6s Screen Width = " + mobileWidth);

        ScreenResolution resolution2 = new ScreenResolution(0,0);
        DisplayFeatures dfeatures2 = new DisplayFeatures("0", resolution2);
        Mobile mobile2 = new Mobile(2015001, "Apple", "iPhone 6s", dfeatures2);        
        int mobileWidth2 = mService.getMobileScreenWidth(mobile2);
        System.out.println("Apple iPhone 16s Screen Width = " + mobileWidth2);




Apple iPhone 6s Screen Width = 750
Apple iPhone 16s Screen Width = 0

7. With Java 8 Optional

Now develop same domain models using Java 8 Optional construct with clean and neat way.

P.S no change. Please refer above section.

package com.mkyong.with.optional;

import java.util.Optional;

public class DisplayFeatures {

    private String size; // In inches
    private Optional<ScreenResolution> resolution;

    public DisplayFeatures(String size, Optional<ScreenResolution> resolution){
        this.size = size;
        this.resolution = resolution;

    public String getSize() {
        return size;
    public Optional<ScreenResolution> getResolution() {
        return resolution;


package com.mkyong.with.optional;

import java.util.Optional;

public class Mobile {

    private long id;
    private String brand;
    private String name;
    private Optional<DisplayFeatures> displayFeatures;
    // Like wise we can see MemoryFeatures, CameraFeatures etc.
    // For simplicity, using only one Features

    public Mobile(long id, String brand, String name, Optional<DisplayFeatures> displayFeatures){ = id;
        this.brand = brand; = name;
        this.displayFeatures = displayFeatures;

    public long getId() {
        return id;

    public String getBrand() {
        return brand;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Optional<DisplayFeatures> getDisplayFeatures() {
        return displayFeatures;


Here we can observe that how clean our getMobileScreenWidth() API without null checks and boiler plate code. We don not worry about NullPointerExceptions at run-time.

package com.mkyong.with.optional;

import java.util.Optional;

public class MobileService {

  public Integer getMobileScreenWidth(Optional<Mobile> mobile){
    return mobile.flatMap(Mobile::getDisplayFeatures)



Now develop one test component

package com.mkyong.with.optional;

import java.util.Optional;

public class MobileTesterWithOptional {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ScreenResolution resolution = new ScreenResolution(750,1334);
    DisplayFeatures dfeatures = new DisplayFeatures("4.7", Optional.of(resolution));
    Mobile mobile = new Mobile(2015001, "Apple", "iPhone 6s", Optional.of(dfeatures));

    MobileService mService = new MobileService();

    int width = mService.getMobileScreenWidth(Optional.of(mobile));
    System.out.println("Apple iPhone 6s Screen Width = " + width);

    Mobile mobile2 = new Mobile(2015001, "Apple", "iPhone 6s", Optional.empty());        
    int width2 = mService.getMobileScreenWidth(Optional.of(mobile2));
    System.out.println("Apple iPhone 16s Screen Width = " + width2);


Apple iPhone 6s Screen Width = 750
Apple iPhone 16s Screen Width = 0

8. Where does Java Optional fits?

If we observe above real-time Retail Domain use-case, we should know that Java Optional construct is useful at the following places.

8.1 Method Parameter

public void setResolution(Optional<ScreenResolution> resolution) {
    this.resolution = resolution;

8.2 Method Return Type

public Optional<ScreenResolution> getResolution() {
    return resolution;

8.3 Constructor Parameter

public DisplayFeatures(String size, Optional<ScreenResolution> resolution){
    this.size = size;
    this.resolution = resolution;

8.4 Variable Declaration

private Optional<ScreenResolution> resolution;

8.5 Class Level

public class B

public class A<T extends Optional<B>> { }

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  1. OptionalJavaDoc
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